The Bishop

The bishop
Ludewig SuhlThomas Nugent

    der Tod
Du lehnest dich umsonst auf deinen Hirtenstab,
Zerbricht das schwache Rohr so taumelst du ins Grab,
Hiernechst mag Menschen Hand dir auf den Leichstein schreiben
Ein Hirte kan nicht stets bey seiner Heerde bleiben.

    XII. Death to the Bishop.
Thy crozier is of no avail
To thee, who art so very frail;
'Tis but a broken reed at best,
The grave must be the place of rest.
Some friendly hand thy tomb engraves,
"His flock th' unwilling shepherd leaves."


    der Bischof
Unsträflich kan ich zwar, doch nicht unsterblich seyn
Drum bricht der Tod mit Macht zu meinem Fenster ein,(1)
Nun wache wer da will, ich rüste mich zum Schlafe,
Und sage nichts als diß: Gehabt euch wohl ihr Schafe

    XIII. The Bishop's answer.
My life is no reproach to me;
Immortal here I cannot be;
Death's visit now too well imparts,
This world should not ensnare our hearts.
My watch is out, so welcome sleep:
Beloved flock, my doctrines keep.

Footnotes: (1)

Death entering though the window . . .: Jeremiah 9:21, "For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets" and Joel 2:1-9, "[…] for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;[…] they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.".

Also take a look at this picture by Eberhard Kieser.