The two last lines of the chambermaid's speech and the Latin quote are missing in BnF Français 17001 and have been taken from the Ambrosiana-manuscript.
Mirrors were a popular metaphor in the Middle Ages (e.g.: Le miroir des dames et damoiselles and Miroer Salutaire).
It was equally popular in the dances of death, where Death shows the (vain) women what will happen to their beauty.
Death Take a good look in the mirror and you will see what your beautiful face will be. As I am you will become, 360 because so must he face himself. |
Once again we have an "equivocal rhyme", where "face" (a face) rhymes with "face" (to face), It is not clear, who "he" is that must face himself. Maybe it's every man?
Young woman |
La mort La demoyselle La chambriere |