Mors de la Pomme, Queen

Mors de la Pomme, Queen

The hunting-loving queen is killed before the eyes of her husband, the king. She will never again use a bird of prey for hunting.


Lady, who goes for the pleasures (of hunting),
Think of me if you would.
You will be led by me
340 so that you never will fly the bird.

"volez" (would) and "volez" (fly) are an example of a "rich rhyme", more specifically a "equivocal rhyme", where a word has two meanings.


    La mort

Dame qui alez au deduit
Pensez a moy se vous volez
Vo fait sera par moy conduit
336 Ains que jamais doisel volez
Nolite confidere in principibus

    La royne

Vecy vng doulereux gibier
La mort ma prinse pour sa proie
Hemy! lasse! quel destourbier
340 A terre chiez tant men effroie
Defecit caro mea et cor meum

    Le roy

La mort nous donne cognoissance
Que dieu est par dessus nature
Et quil puet faire a sa plaisance
344 De toute humaine creature
Domine saluum fac regem et exaudi nos in die qua &c