Mors de la Pomme, Noah and the ark

Noah and the ark
Mors de la Pomme, Noah and the ark

Death and her three arrows are apparently working too slowly, so God decides to speed up the process: Only 8 will avoid being punished, neither more nor less (»Dieu prent pugnition du monde / .Viij. en laisse ne plus ne moins«) (1 Peter 3:20).

1 Peter 3:20, Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

    The Man

One must greatly fear the judge,
who can punish the whole world
As it appears from the Flood,
192 which he made come upon the earth.

It is quite unusual to see Noah's ark in such an account of God's plan of salvation. And one understands it well: If it had been the plan all along that Jesus' death and atoning sacrifice were to reconcile God with his creation, where do the Flood and the ark come into the picture then?

Noah and the ark

    La mort

Par la malice des humains
Dieu prent pugnition du monde
.Viij. en laisse ne plus ne moins
188 Au surplus ma puissance abonde
Fiat habitatio eorum deserta


On doit bien redoubter le juge
Qui tout le monde puet pugnir
Comme il appert par le deluge
192 Quil a fait sur terre venir
Non me demergat tempestas aque neque absorbeat me profondum

    Noe et larche

Je voy bien quil ny a remede
Tous conuient morir foible & fort
Je requiers au vray dieu quil mede
196 Trouuer ny scay autre confort
Veni in altitudinem maris