Mors de la Pomme, Death and two angels

Death and two angels
Mors de la Pomme, Death and angels

Death's mandate is announced by two angels. The first angel shouts: »Oyez oyez!« (listen, listen) like a town crier. The words "Oyez oyez!" were shouted at the opening of law courts in England and are still being shouted in the American high court.


Come and see the mandate
from the sovereign justice.
To all it will clearly show
124 that I have an undeniable assignment.

Death and two angels

    Langele premier

Oyez oyez! petis et grans
Ceste commission mortele
De lentendre soyez engrans
120 Dieu la donnee a la mort tele
Audite hec omnes gentes &c

    La mort

Venez veoir le mandement
De la iustice souueraine
A tous monstreray clerement
124 Que jay commission certaine
Venite et videte opera Domini que posuit pr[o]digia super terram

    Langele second

Vueilliez bien mettre en vo memoire
Le teneur de ce mandement
Sur vous sera executoire
128 Sans sauoir ne ou quant ne comment
Intelligite insipientes in populo &c