Mors de la Pomme, Fall of man

Fall of man
Mors de la Pomme, Fall of man
En signe du mors de la pomme
Adam's apple
"Dévotes louanges à la Vierge Marie" by Martial d'Auvergne.
Adam pinches his throat.
Mors de la Pomme, Adam's apple

Adam — and to a lesser degree Eva — grabs his throat after having eaten the forbidden fruit. This is related to a "sign of mors de la pomme" mentioned in the book of hours on the left.

In this case, it's not a wordplay, "Mors / Mort", but rather an etiological tale that explains why men have an Adam's apple.

According to the book "Dévotes louanges à la Vierge Marie" by Martial d'Auvergne, Adam regretted his sin and tried to squeeze his throat to prevent the apple from getting further down. Therefore, all of Adam's male descendants bear this sign:

»Et adoncques il print la peau / De sa guorge pour le fruict sourdre / Et arresta du doy le mourseau / Affin qu'il ne passast plus oultre. Et pour ce pechié, chacun homme / Despuis Adam la genealogie / En signe du mors de la pomme / En porte ung neu dessobz la guorge« "and thus he grabbed the skin / of the throat to make the fruit flow up / and stopped with his finger the bite / so that it would not go any further. / And for this sin every man / who is descended from Adam / as a sign of the bite of the apple / bears a knot under his neck".

The subtil serpent tells how it tricked Eve to make Adam eat from the apple.

    The Serpent

By the hate that I have against man
I did so much, that by my malice
Eve made him(1) eat the apple,
80 which could only result in great evil.

The illustration shows how Death enters the World the instant Adam has taken a bite of the apple. This is in contrast to Holbein (see next page), where Death awaits outside of Paradise.

Fall of man

    Le serpent

Par lenuie que jay sur homme
Jay tant fait que par mon malice
A eue ay fait mengier la pomme
80 Dont ne puet que grant mal nen ysse
Et in eo parauit vasa mortis

    La mort

La mort suis dieu ma ordonnee
Pour ce que adam la pomme mort
Sentence diuine est donnee
84 Tous les humains morront de mort
Ecce parturit malicia.


Helas de tous maulx suys le pere
De la mort suys cause et acteur
Par mon pechie fault quelle appere
88 Jay offense mon createur
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco


He! que je suys doulente mere
De moy naist la mort de pechie
Trop me sera la seue amere
92 Du fruit que aux dens ay despechie
Circumdederunt me dolores mortis

Footnotes: (1)

him . . .: Here I follow the Ambrosiana manuscript: »Eve luy fait mengier le pomme«.