Heise "quotes" Jacob von Melle

Summary: Part 1 of 7 about why the painting in Tallinn is not a remnant of Lübeck's original painting from 1463.

The painting in Lübeck was replaced by a new one in 1701, and Jacob von Melle wrote down the old text.

Jacob von Melle is our only witness to the old painting, so we should weigh his words carefully. Jacob von Melle starts by quoting 4 lines from the beginning of the painting, and then he writes: »Here between, a large piece is missing and almost half the dialogue. Thereupon Death speaks to the canon […]«(1)

Jacob von Melle's epitaph.
Jacob von Melle's epitaph

Based on this, Heise postulates that half the painting was missing (because it had been sold to Tallinn). This is misquoting of the worst kind:

Conclusion: Jacob von Melle never said that half the painting was missing in 1701. Quite on the contrary.

Next section: Heise "quotes" Gotthard von Hansen

Footnotes: (1) (2) (3)

Jacob von Melle: »Hier zwischen fehlet ein grosses Stück und fast die Helffte der Zusammen-Sprache; darauf sagt der Tod zu dem Thum-Herrn […]«.
Jacob von Melle: »Es stunden ehmals alte Nieder-Sächsische Reimen darunter, welche theils ziemlich verloschen, theils auch wegen der offtmaligen renovation, sehr zustümmelt waren«.
Jakob von Melle: »Die Bilder sehen jetzo annoch eben so aus, wie sie vordem gestalt gewesent«.