Füssen, The noblewoman

The noblewoman
Hiebeler, Noblewoman

Death to the noblewoman

    der todt,
O fraw waß sol doch diser prachtt,
Den ihr thuett fueren tag vnd nacht
Ziechtt ab daß klaidlen zartt vnd waich,
Vnd tantzt mit mir so werdt ihr blaich.

Oh woman, what use is this splendor,
which you show day and night?
Take off the tender and soft clothes
and dance with me; then you'll turn pale.

The noblewoman

    die Ed[e]lfraw,
Der todt kompt mir auch für die thür,
Es kompt mir graußam seltzam für.
Hab nit vermaint, daß noch sey Zeit,
Gar schnell hatt er mich übereiltt.

    the Noblewoman.
Death comes to me too at the door.
It seems terribly strange to me.
I didn't presume there was still time:
He overtook me very quickly.

Basel, The noblewoman.
Büchel, Noblewoman
Füssen, Detail.
Hiebeler, Devil

The image of the noble lady is reminiscent of the noblewoman in Basel. In Füssen she sees her own face in the mirror, while in Basel she sees Death's naked rear.

The lady seem to be more occupied with her own image in the mirror, than with her impending Death. Pride / vanity / superbia is not only one of the seven deadly sins, but the mother of all vices. There is a little devil sitting on her dress train.