The Doctor from Paris

Doctor from Paris
Figuren, Figuren: Doctor

    Der doit
O Groißer meister von pariß
Werent ir nu gewest so wijse
Vnd hettent studeret off den doit
Sicherlich das were uch noit.
Ir mußent nu glych dem leyen
Spryngen myt myr an dyßen reyen
Vnd dar zu uweren geyst off geben
Wie woil yr meynet noch langer zů leben.

Oh, great master from Paris.
Now, had you been so wise
and had studied Death,
this would certainly have been what you need.
You must now, just as the unlearned,
jump with me to this row,
and also give up your ghost,
even if you expect to live longer.


    Der doctor
ICh neme ytzunt goittes gunst.
Vor alle myne meisterliche kunste
Wan der dot hat mich behafft
Vnd acht nyt vijl off myn meysterschafft
Viel beßer were yß mochte ich myn sunde geklagen
Wan das ich gelernet han all myne dage
Alles das ich ye han geleret
Hat mych tzu gode wenig gekeret.

    The Doctor from Paris.
Now I would take the favour of God
rather than all my masterful art,
for Death has afflicted me
and does not think much of my mastery.
It would have been much better if I regretted my sins,
than what I have learned in all my days.
Everything I've learned,
has turned me [only] little towards God.

Perhaps the doctor from Paris is an indication that this dance was inspired by La Danse Macabre of Paris?