The cook

Götz: Cook
Götz, Cook
Basel: Cook
Merian, Cook
Kruspe: Cook
Kruspe, Cook

The cook is busy whipping up delicious dishes but his goose is cooked, and Death suddenly appears to grab it, skewer and all.

In Kruspe's drawing (to the right) Death carries the skewer over his shoulder like a gun, just like in Basel (picture to the left), in Bleibach and on Meyer's engraving. The idea probably originated with Holbein's abbot.

    Der Tod zum Koch:
Genug, mein Bruder Koch, die schöne Kunst ist aus.
Nun mein Gesell, der Wurm, beschickt den Tisch zum Schmaus
Und nichts dann übrig bleibt vom Feste heim zu tragen,
Wo dies Banket beginnt und solche Gäste nagen.

    Death to the cook:
Enough, my Brother Cook, the fine art is over.
Now my companion, the worm, is preparing the table for the feast
and then nothing remains to take home from feasts
where this banquet begins and such guests gnaw.


    Der Koch:
Schaut auf den Braten hin, seht die Pasteten an
Und was zum Appetit ich Niedlich's machen kann,
Dies Alles hilft mir nichts, ich muss nunmehr das Essen
Und alle meine Kunst beim Todtentanz vergessen.

    The cook:
Look at the roast, look at the pies
and whatever I can make to whet your appetite,
All this is of no use to me. Now I must forget the food
and all my art in the dance of death.