The Dance of Death, Guesτbοοk

Name: Darlene Malone
Country: united states
Date: 2010-10-04 22:03:03

beautiful work thank you for allowing so many of us to have this opportunity to view this piece of history.

Name: Alice
Country: Tyskland
Date: 2010-06-12 21:39:21

Tysen takk for denne fantastiske internett presentasjonen! Jeg har trengt fotografier fra dødedansen i Lübeck for en universitets oppgave og siden din var veldig hjelpsom!


Name: Scamper
Country: Spain
Date: 2010-03-01 22:12:04


First of all I have to say that your site is just great. I've been looking for Dance of Death information and I found your site very usefull.

I'm very interested in the images you have on the left side. I think they were included in the book "Horae". I was looking for 4 images (La Damoissele, La Balline, La Bourgoise and another one that says something like "Feme aur potecas) (I can't read what it says in the images I have). Do you have them in a bigger size??

Hi Scamper

There are great scans of the book here: la prieure la damoiselle la bourgoyse, la ueusue la marchande la balliue and la bergere femme aux potences la femme de uillage.

Name: Maiken
Country: Danmark
Date: 2010-02-01 14:46:24

Hej, Sikke et godt materiale du har samlet!
Jeg vil rigtig gerne vide svaret på dit eget spørgsmål; citat begynd "Jeg har altid undret mig over udtrykket "at ligne Døden fra Lübeck". Hvad har denne hyggelige juleby, med sit gode øl og hvinende søde marcipan, dog gjort for at lægge navn til dette udtryk ?" - citat slut.
Med venlig hilsen

Ja, forklaringen er vel, at maleriet var berømt i hele Nordeuropa og var kendt som "Døden fra Lübeck".

Name: Marie Oemler
Country: USA
Date: 2010-01-30 17:09:41

I came to your site for the translation. Thank you so much, it's a great site. I am learning the score of Distler's Totentanz, written in early 40s. You probably know of Hugo Distler, a prolific church musician and composer. Are there other instances of the Totentanz set to music?

Hi Marie

Do I know Distler's Totentanz? Half of my pages carry a banner linking to Totentanz by Crescendo. It's not an ad as such, I've put it there because they are nice people. :-)

Other compositions? Franz Liszt and Camille Saint-Saëns comes to my mind. Have you ever seen "Skeleton Dance" by Disney / Ub Iwerks? Take a look here.

Name: Ralph
Country: USA
Date: 2009-09-03 19:32:51

Thank you for your very thorough information on the Dances of Death. I am very interested in this subject, and I have a humble collection of prints, and books dedicated to it. While in college, I wrote about a subject that I feel is the precursor to the DOD motif: the "Transi-Tomb." What are your thoughts on this funerary sculpture, and its connection to the Dance of Death?
Thank you again,
Ralph E. Spafford............

Hi Ralph

I can't say I've looked much into this. I'd think the transis are simply a reminder of how "transitive" all flesh is. Of course, there's hardly a dance of death on this planet where Death doesn't tell his dancers that "you'll soon be like me".

In my opinion there's a much stronger influence from the Vado Mori genre and from the story of the three living and the three dead.

Name: lavinya clemow
Country: sa
Date: 2009-08-28 04:03:28


Name: Kevin Maurer
Country: America United States of
Date: 2009-08-02 20:57:56

Love your translation work, I am trying to transcript/translate, Fechtschulen Poems from the 1570's in German, you have helped me. thanks

Name: clare
Country: England
Date: 2009-07-26 14:12:26

I forgot to say - I LOVE the macabre (!) cursor. Lovely humorous touch, all in keeping with the subject.

Name: Clare
Country: England
Date: 2009-07-26 14:09:54

I just want to say a big Thank YOu for this wonderful site. I've been researching Danse Macabre and this site is SO informative. Thank you for all your work. Isn't the internet a wonderful facility!

Name: sara
Country: United States
Date: 2009-04-21 11:13:43


I'm a senior-year art history major at Bard College in New York. I'm writing my undergraduate thesis on the possibility of dance of death concealed within the German artist Otto Dix's 1928 Metropolis Triptych. I spend a lot of time drawing parallels with traditional Northern European dances, and your site has proven to be a significant and trustworthy resource on multiple occasions. Thank you for putting it together and keeping it up!


Name: Bradleigh Stockwell
Country: San Francisco/USA
Date: 2009-03-08 00:00:18

This is a wonderful and remarkable site. It justifies the idea of the internet as a place to learn and share significant material (as opposed to fan sites and pointless digital debris). This site shows thought, care, and work went into its creation. Thank you!

Name: joster
Country: spain
Date: 2009-03-05 21:38:25

hello in spain catalonia we have a city VERGES in girona that it's famous for one dance of death.

see this link

Name: Lise
Country: The Netherlands
Date: 2009-01-15 12:58:54

I want to thank you for your wonderfully informative website. I'm currently in university and doing research on European dances of death. Your website has been extremely helpful. Thanks ever so much! :)

Name: Miriam Hoffmann
Country: Germany
Date: 2009-01-05 19:34:35


I am an art historian from Kiel and I write my Ph.d. about late medieval paintings from Lübeck. I really like your site! It is informative and has a lot of interesting material.
Thank you for this!


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