The Dance of Death, Guesτbοοk

Name: David Curtis
Country: Denmark
Date: 2015-07-01 10:02:15

This is a wonderful site, thank you.

Name: Moni Engel
Country: The Netherlands
Date: 2015-06-23 08:31:55

Dear Martin,

I really love your very useful (and witty!) website with so much excellent picture material! This September (18th-19th) I will be talking in Basel about 'das Nachleben' of the dance of death of Basel. Your website is a big help! Thank you very much!

Monica Engel

Hi Moni

Have a great time. And thanks for your article Der Tod zum Juden im Basler Totentanz.

Name: Marie
Country: Malta
Date: 2015-01-11 05:33:47

Meget spændende site.

Jeg researcher I øjeblikket "Der Grüne Tisch" af Kurt Joos, som er inspireret af Døden fra Lübeck.

Tak for hjælpen :)

Name: PJKC
Country: nederland
Date: 2015-01-04 09:48:23

Afther visiting Talinn and seeing the impressive painting I searched for information and found your site. Fantastic! It turned out that the original text, written in modern characters is almost direct to read for dutch people! The hanze-towns must have cost this universal language just like english is nowadays. I send your site to my grownup children, why liked your moving skelt hands a lot!

Name: Juan Ojeda
Country: Ecuador
Date: 2014-10-22 20:16:22

Muchas gracias por haber dedicado tanto empeño a realizar esta obra sobre la danza de la muerte.

Te felicito por la iniciativa.

Name: Ben
Country: Italy
Date: 2014-10-18 19:28:04

Very nice site, really erudite and helpful.

Name: Hao He
Country: China
Date: 2014-10-12 11:42:47

there are so many things for me to learn in this website. They are not only information about danse of death,but also the way to study art history.Your work inspired me to collect material harder and organize them more systematically.Thank you very much and give my wish!

Name: Cosmin
Country: Romania
Date: 2014-08-15 21:17:49

Very very nice ! Thank you!

Name: Taylor
Country: United States of America
Date: 2014-04-22 04:04:58

Name: Eduardo Bernardi
Country: Christchurch - New Zealand
Date: 2014-01-23 08:17:18

Hello Martin
Always great to be back here. Endless source of information. You have done a mind-blowing job of a lifetime. I have to blame you for hours of my working time spent here on lovely explorations.
Is the referred book by Prof Hartmut Freytag available on online outfits such as Amazon?

Name: Randy Moulton
Country: United States of America
Date: 2013-07-05 06:02:36

Your site is fantastic! I am buyer & seller of rare books in the USA. I currently have a stunning copy of John Bewick's Emblems of Mortality from 1789 for sale. The book came from the collection of John Kendall of Colchester. A Quaker, bookseller, printer, and author who passed away in 1816. He was best known for his extensive collection of rare books. Anyone can feel free to contact me at if they are interested. The book can also be viewed on eBay. Just search "seller:dannojovee".

Name: Antonio
Country: Spain
Date: 2013-03-28 15:40:47

Gracias, tank you, for this excellent job.

Name: t r o l l c r u s h e r
Country: U.S.A.
Date: 2012-07-05 14:18:25

Thanks for putting together this compendium of images that pertain to the Danse Macabre.

Very well done.

Best wishes,

t r o l l c r u s h e r


Name: Knud
Country: da
Date: 2012-05-18 10:53:09

Superfedt site. Skriver netop opgave på KU om dødedanstekster. Og her finder man satan æde mig det hele. Flot arbejde.


Name: Kristian Nordestgaard
Country: Danmark
Date: 2012-05-07 17:56:17

Hej Martin,
Jeg har prøvet at sende dig en mail ang. din flotte side men den kom retur af en eller anden grund. Vil du kontakte mig på den mailadresse, der står her?

Med venlig hilsen,
Kristian Nordestgaard

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