Name: dubravka miletic
Country: Croatia
Date: 2018-03-10 17:52:49
Thank you, Martin Hagstrøm
Name: Alyssa K. S.
Country: United States
Date: 2017-12-02 00:32:53
Name: Sadie Powell
Country: USA
Date: 2017-10-17 21:59:38
Wonderful resource. I'm using the info and pictures for my blog on medieval Europe. I will be sure to give credit to the great author of this site!
Name: Wang Wen
Country: China
Date: 2017-09-10 06:36:11
Thank you, sir. What stunning pictures! I am writting my dissertaion on Danse Macabre in the Middle English Lyrics. Your webste is a great treasure for me.
Name: Louis McLaughlin
Country: United States
Date: 2017-08-16 18:15:47
Dear Martin, thank you for this great website. What a resource! I stumbled in looking for information on Lydgate's "Dance of Death," and was stunned by what you've put together. Thank you for providing the whole text (and manuscript variants) of the EETS edition of Lydgate's poem, complete with so many manuscript images (and links to them). Your great work is highly appreciated.
Name: Vodnar
Country: Slovenia
Date: 2017-06-13 17:09:32
Nice page. Found it by chance searching for Luebeck. And it reminded me of Slovenian late-medieval Danse Macabre fresco from Hrastovlje (dated 1490). More info found here; (in english) and - sorry, no translation (I can translate it if you wish).
Kind regards!
Hi Vodnar
The dance in Hrastovlje is quite famous. I activated your links.
Best regards
Name: Kalinda
Country: United States
Date: 2017-04-03 01:35:01
Thank you for this wonderful compendium on the Danse Macabre! I found it through Wikipedia and its images, in particular, are quite stunning.
Name: Dominik
Country: Czech Republic
Date: 2017-03-28 20:21:17
Dear Martin, thank you for your work and time.
Name: Nicanor Cuevas Cabrera
Country: Argentina
Date: 2016-12-05 03:17:31
Such an incredible webpage! So much to wonder about and investigate. Great great job. Thank you so much!
Name: Gregory Rose
Country: England
Date: 2016-11-03 16:09:44
This site is fantastic! It is informative, scholarly and downright fascinating. Huge congratulations to Martin. I couldn't have written my 'Danse macabre' without your help and inspiration.
Name: Stephan Charles Moore
Country: Switzerland
Date: 2016-09-10 06:52:55
So Cool. Such a wonderful source of information and clever work. well done.
Name: Jay Kang
Country: South Korea
Date: 2016-08-05 04:42:06
Thanks for all great images posted on your website.
It has helped me a lot to understand about the contemporary cults to the Death in western side.
btw, I have tried to reach you via e-mail many times, but It keeps rejected somehow.
So, are you still there???? if so, how do I contact you? I have personal questions!!
Hi Jay
Sorry for not answering sooner. I have just returned from Berlin (although I didn't visit the dance of death in St. Mary's this year).
That's odd. My Gmail-address is on my contacts page. I just tried it, and it works fine. I assume you remember to remove the parenthesis and spaces (or that you simply click the link). What kind of error message do you get?
Name: Andrea
Country: italy
Date: 2015-12-27 17:37:30
sono interessato a queste xilografie
dove posso trovare copie cartacee?
aspetto vostre notizie
cordiali saluti
Hi Andrea
Personally I prefer to have the images on my PC. Paper tends to pile up on my table along with all those books I have to read someday.
If you want paper copies, I guess you'll have to print them out yourself. :-)
Name: Alejandro
Country: Mexico
Date: 2015-09-29 13:15:07
Congratulations for this site. It has helped me a lot with my academic research about the contemporany cults to the Death in Latin America (Santa Muerte and San La Muerte). All the iconoghaphical and theological's elements on these Danse Macabre are a fundamental precedent for the understanding of these modern cults on my región. Thank you.