Name: Joseph Fuller
Country: Cambodia
Date: 2019-11-21 17:04:44
Thank you for your hard work on this site. It is wonderfully beautiful and makes it much easier to explore this fascinating topic than days gone by; when manual searches involved contacting various libraries.
Name: lynette
Country: New Zealand
Date: 2019-10-26 20:23:24
I've been studying the black death this semester at university and found this website to be fantastic :)
Name: Rex
Country: USA
Date: 2019-10-17 04:13:22
This has been a fascinating read - I truly appreciate your attention to detail and your devotion to this topic.
Name: C. Carlson
Country: Mississippi
Date: 2019-10-09 04:44:58
Greetings. I came here after reading St. Thomas More's 16th century account of the Dance of Death depicted in St. Paul's. I am grateful for your collection, really enjoyed reading the poem and thumbing through all the artwork. Coming here was a wonderfully macabre experience.
Name: erika mordek
Date: 2019-09-11 09:01:42
I have found dance of death alphabet by holbein which you mention that you have not found:
A,I H L N M Z in D. Dionysii Carthvsiani Enarrationes piae ac ervditve in dvodecim prophetas (qvos vocant) minores printed 1549 by Quentell. Bib ID 2270026 from
rom their catalogue.
if you wait a day or so I will upload them to my Flickr account
I would like to ask you questions about a certain tailpiece. in another message. thanks erika
Hi Erika
That sounds interesting, but I'm not sure where I say that I'm looking for a particular edition by Quentel.
Is it the same book as this one? Enarrationes Piae Ac Ervditae In Dvodecim Prophetas (Qvos Vocant) Minores ... longè politiùs ac diligentiùs ... quàm priùs edita Coloniae: Quentel, 1549
You're welcome to ask questions here, but you can also write me at martinhagstrm (at-sign)
Name: S C M Spain
Country: Spain
Date: 2019-07-11 21:40:10
Congrats. Wonderful web
Name: Stephanie Curran
Country: United Kingdom
Date: 2019-07-08 12:53:29
This is really useful.
Name: M. Weber
Country: USA
Date: 2019-06-26 18:42:58
Thank you for this web page! I found it on accident and I was hooked on each page. Thank you for all the research, it was fascinating to read!
Name: javier sanz garcia
Country: España
Date: 2019-03-14 23:11:30
Le felicito por su trabajo. Una hermosa muestra de
erudición y trabajo.
Name: Daniel JC Brown
Country: US
Date: 2019-03-13 16:48:02
wonderful job. interesting. I want to see andeknow more. Perhaps related to the celestial pale bleu apples chapel with the stained glass and the sha of iran. And a vwery rare inheritance?
Name: Didier Jugan
Country: France
Date: 2019-03-01 00:35:40
Thank you very much for your very interested website.
I would like to inform you that our association Danses Macabres d'Europe organises a Congress about Dance of death at Paris next month (19-24 march 2019) and the proceedings of this Congress is already Under subscription. All informations by google with the key words : "bibliothèque Mazarine congrès de Danses macabres d'Europe" or by writing me at my E-mail address
Didier Jugan
Name: Natalie Gustafson
Country: United States
Date: 2018-09-05 03:21:33
Very, very helpful for a project on early illustrators for art school!! Thanks so much!!!!
Name: Zach
Country: USA
Date: 2018-08-05 22:10:39
Remarkable site, i plan to get much of the Lubeck mural tattooed onto me and will be using images as reference.
Name: Adam Wagner
Country: Danmark
Date: 2018-05-25 21:50:20
En meget fin side; grundig og informativ. Den har jeg haft stor glæde af. Tak for det.
Name: Ryan
Country: USA
Date: 2018-05-19 05:11:28
Excellent site!! Thank you so much for doing this. I'm doing research on the book of Job, and you have some valuable findings.