Name: Alejandro Barrios
Country: Mexico
Date: 2021-07-14 04:17:51
Your website is awesome!
Greetings from a literature student in Mexico.
Name: eric
Country: united states
Date: 2021-05-17 19:03:56
this website is amazing!! thank you for all your hard work and for preserving so much amazing art!! this site is the best!
i also wanted to ask if there is a way to contact you? i'm not sure if the emails listed on this site are working? (I've sent three to the gmail address with no reply and one to the webmaster address that was returned saying the email doesnt exist?)
thanks again! keep up the great work!
Hi Eric
I have received one email from you 2½ hours ago. I just haven't had time to check my mail before now.
I have also received your mail via LinkedIn.
I will reply to your mail now. I have replied to your mail now.
Name: Michael Pienaar
Country: United Kingdom
Date: 2021-05-06 10:51:19
A great big thanks to Martin Hagstrøm for his in-depth research, and very informative and entertaining website. There is still quite a lot here that I haven't explored yet, so the dans will swing on. I am personally very greayful for the digital transcriptions of the Poppy Press text as it appears in the original editions without any modernisation to the spelling. To the author, I most admire your effort in keeping Death alive.
Name: giuseppe
Country: Italia
Date: 2021-05-05 21:48:56
I have become a MANIAC collector of DEATH DANCE books and engravings. l Dr. Martin Hagstrom always very available to provide advice and bibliographic information thanks to his immense work.
Name: Andreas Bergkvist
Country: Danmark
Date: 2021-02-08 23:24:18
Som en den der skrev sit navn på en væg i Pompeji
Som en der malede en hest i en hule med sin hånd
skriver jeg en ydmyg hilsen til eftertiden
den første i 2021, forhåbentligt ikke den sidste!
Name: Linda
Country: Danmark
Date: 2020-12-02 21:24:04
Og her troede jeg at jeg var den eneste med denne særinteresse. Føler mig en lille smule mindre som palle alene i verden.
Name: Emma
Country: Australia
Date: 2020-11-24 06:33:58
Hi! Thank you so much for this incredible website - it is both extremely informative and so much fun. You do truly amazing work! Thank you so much!
Name: Addie
Country: China
Date: 2020-11-23 08:16:03
Aww can't help leaving a note, this is so helpful! many many thanks!!!
Name: Star
Country: Australia
Date: 2020-11-04 19:11:51
Thank you so much for creating this website. The information found here is invaluable. A true treasure!
Name: H.K. Lovejoy
Country: USA
Date: 2020-09-20 04:35:36
Warm wishes as autumn creeps its way in!
Magnificent website, it will be included on the resources page for my own. Thank you so much!
Name: giuseppe
Country: italia
Date: 2020-06-01 19:27:03
Unique in the world. I became a collector of books and etchings after discovering this site. Dr. Martin Hagstrøm is a great expert; and when I needed explanations, clarifications I wrote to him and he was always very kind and generous with suggestions. THANKS.
Name: cassandra
Country: China
Date: 2020-05-09 03:35:15
Name: Connor
Country: USA
Date: 2020-05-07 07:23:02
Hey, this is a really cool website!
Name: Marleen
Country: Germany
Date: 2020-03-29 15:26:34
thanx for collecting all this great pictures and informations. your side is fantastic!
Name: Lucian
Country: Italy
Date: 2019-12-11 17:43:13
Very interesting site, thanks! As you mention, the Paris Dance Macabre is the earliest one we know in monumental form, but only just: I wrote my thesis at Cambridge on one (still in glorious technicolour for all to see!) dating from 1426-7 and another one from 1474. Both were scaled up copies of woodcuts by artists working in the circle of the Meister E.S. and Meister mit den Banderollen. The woodcuts of the dance of death certainly predate the Paris frescoes, and these were themselves most probably derived from the prints and legend of The Three Living and Three Dead.
Hi Lucian
That certainly sounds interesting, and if your thesis is online you should post a link.
Nevertheless I must point out that 1426-7 (not to mention 1474) is later than 1424, so the Parisian Danse Macabre is still the oldest datable dance of death.