Name: Tim Francis
Country: GB
Date: 2002-08-24 21:56:38
Udtryken på engelsk er ikke 'to look like death warmed over' men 'to look like death warmed UP'.
Det må corrigeres på åbningssiden.
Tim Francis
Name: Kris K
Country: Brazil
Date: 2002-07-24 08:08:59
Congratulations for your site! This is a really fascinating theme! Thank you for these valuable informations.
Name: Christoph Baumgartner
Country: Germany
Date: 2001-12-29 21:11:52
Very fine treatise, excellent illustrations, do you know the homepage of tne eurapean dance of death group?; the adress is : . thanks Chr. Baumgartner
Name: Klaus E. Andersen
Country: Danmark
Date: 2001-12-17 15:05:28
Tak. -Meget fin og forklarende hjemmeside, var en glæde at besøge siden. Mvh. Klaus A. (fotograf og amatør Lübeck historiker)
Name: Leif Plith Lauritsen
Country: Danmark
Date: 2001-11-23 16:40:03
Virkelig en god side om "Døden fra Lübeck" samt en fin gennemgang af de danske "dødedanse". Vh. Leif (Cand Mag Middelalderarkæolog)
Name: Ben Parsons
Country: UK
Date: 2001-11-20 23:40:33
This is a fine translation,and has been a great help to me (being strictly non-Teutophonic) in my PhD research on medieval satire. Many thanks and kind regards.
Name: Patrick Pollefeys
Home page:
Country: Canada
Date: 2001-09-21 14:32:34
Good work, you have done here. Its great that other people are adding knowledge in the fascinating world of the Dance of Death.