The cardinal

The cardinal

Death to the cardinal

Her kardenal mit deme roden hode
gy muthen met alße ik my (vormo)de
der gewelt kunde gy gar wol (vorstan)
dar vor muthe gy nu met m(y gan)
beydet nich langhe sunder k(omet mede)
ik wyl (jw nv) leren des dan(tzes trede)

Mr Cardinal with the red hat,
you must go with me as I presume.
The power have you managed very well
therefore must you now go with me.
Don't wait too long, but come along.
I will now teach you the steps of the dance.

The cardinal

syet wy.........
ik bin.............
nu b...............
ach b...............

see how.........
I am.............
now ................