Her monick ik wil jw gar ko(rt) wat seggen
den blawen budel moghet gy van jw leggen
vnde ok dar thu dat bereideken wyth
vorsuket nu wu wol jw dat dantzen syt
dat gy vaken hebben gedan myt eren
volget na gy muthen den tal vormeren
Mr Monk - I'll quite briefly say you something:
the blue purse you must put down
and also moreover the little white biretta.
Try now, how good the dance is to you,
as you have often done with honour.
Follow after - you must increase the number.
Och gode gheselle taste my nicht an
wente ik byn ein begeven geystlick man
ik wuste gar wol dat du woldest komen
doch konde ik der (tyd nicht ramen)
wente nymant wet (wanneer he mut scheyden)
help nu jhesu wor ik my nu (bereyde)
Oh good man, do not intrude upon me,
for I am a monastic, clerical man.
I knew full well that you would come
still I couldn't fix the time
since no one knows when he must separate [from life].
Help now Jesus, now that I prepare myself.