Oversætterens ord

Oversætterens ord
Guy Marchant, Forfatter og død konge

Her er teksten fra Ellesmere-manuskriptet. der sammenlignes linie for linie med de andre kendte kilder.

På denne side er der især to forskelle. Den første er, at det originale »al in fere« (alle sammen) ikke er blevet forstået af senere redaktører og derfor har muteret til »in all fear« Den anden er, at Dugdale (som følger Tottel) har byttet om på de sidste fire linier.

I denne sammenligning ignorerer vi tegnsætning, accenter, store bogstaver, dobbelte bogstaver, slut-e (og e før slut-s), forskelle, der skyldes orddeliger (f.eks: "toforne" og "to forne"), og forskelle, der skyldes ombytning af aun/an og cion/cyon/tion.

Sletninger er markeret med rødt, og tilføjelser med grønt. Med andre ord stammer de røde fra Ellesmere-manuskriptet.


Lenvoye de translatoure

Lenvoye de translatoure Lenuoy.

Lenvoye de Lenuoye of the translatoure

Lenvoye de of the translatoure
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

O ȝe my lordes / and maistres al in fere

O ȝe my lordes/ lordis/ and maistres al in fere
Selden, Trinity

O ȝe my lordes/ and maistres maisters al in fere

O ȝe my lordes/ and maistres masters al in fere feare

O ȝe my lordes/ and maistres Masters in al in fere feare
Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Of a-venture / that shal this daunce [r]ede

Of a venture/ auenture/ that shal this daunce [r]ede
Selden, Trinity

Of a venture/ auenture that shal this daunce [r]ede reade,

Of a venture/ that shal this daunce [r]ede reade,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Loweli I preye / with al myn herte entere

Loweli Lowly I preye/ with al myn herte entere

Loweli Lowly I preye/ pray with al myn my herte entere

Loweli I preye/ pray with al myn herte heart entere

Loweli Lowly I preye/ pray with al myn herte my heart entere
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

To correcte / where as ȝe see nede

To correcte/ where as þat ȝe see nede

To correcte/ where as ȝe whereas you see nede
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

For nowght elles / I aske for my mede

For nowght elles/ nouȝt ellis/ I aske axe for my mede

For nowght elles/ nought ellys I aske for my mede

For nowght nought elles/ I aske for my mede
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

But godeli supporte / of this translacioun

But godeli goodly supporte/ of this translacioun

But godeli goodly supporte/ of this translacioun translacion
Trinity, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

And with fauowre / to soupewaile drede

And with fauowre/ fauour/ to soupewaile sowpouaile drede

And with fauowre/ fauour to soupewaile suppowayle drede
Trinity, Tottel

And with fauowre/ favour to soupewaile suppowaile drede
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Benyngneli / in ȝowre correccioun.

Benyngneli/ Benignely/ in ȝowre ȝoure correccioun.

Benyngneli/ Benygnely in ȝowre correccioun. your correccion

Benyngneli/ Bening[e]lye in ȝowre your correccioun.

Benyngneli/ Beninglye in ȝowre correccioun. your correction.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Owte of the frensshe / I drowe hit of entent

Owte Out of the frensshe/ I drowe hit drewe it of entent

Owte Oute of the frensshe/ I drowe drew hit of entent

Owte Out of the frensshe/ French I drowe hit drough it of entent

Owte OUt of the frensshe/ French I drowe hit drough it of entent intent,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Not worde be worde / but folwyng the substaunce

Not worde be by worde/ but folwyng the substaunce

Not Nat worde be by worde/ but folwyng oonly the substaunce

Not worde be by worde/ but folwyng the folowing in substaunce
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

And fro Paris / to Inglond hit sent

And fro Paris/ to Inglond hit Engelonde it sent

And fro from Paris/ to Inglond hit Englond sent

And fro from Paris/ to Inglond hit Eng[e]land it sent

And fro fronm Paris/ to Inglond hit England it sent
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718

And fro froum Paris/ to Inglond hit England it sent

Oneli of purpose / ȝow to do plesaunce

Oneli Oonly of purpose/ ȝow to do plesaunce
Selden, Trinity

Oneli Only of purpose/ ȝow you to do plesaunce

Oneli Only of purpose/ ȝow you to do plesaunce pleasance.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Rude of langage / y was not borne yn fraunce

Rude of langage/ y was not nat borne yn fraunce

Rude of langage/ y was not borne yn fraunce Have me excused my name is John Lidgate,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Haue me excused / my name is Jon Lidgate

Haue me excused/ excusid/ my name is Jon Iohn Lidgate

Haue Holde me excused/ excusyd my name is Jon Iohn Lidgate

Haue me excused/ my name is Jon Iohn Lidgate

Haue me excused/ my name is Jon Lidgate Rude of language, I was not borne in France,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Of her tunge / I haue no suffisaunce

Of her tunge/ oþer tong I haue no suffisaunce

Of her tunge/ ther tong I haue no suffisaunce

Of her tunge/ I haue no suffisaunce curious miters in English to translate,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Her corious metris / In Inglissh to translate.

Her corious metris/ In Inglissh englisshe to translate.

Her Theyr corious metris/ metres In Inglissh englyssh to translate.

Her corious metris/ curious miters In Inglissh Englishe to translate.

Her corious metris/ In Inglissh to translate. Of other tong I have no suffisance.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818