Sognepræst og Bonde / Arbejder
Sognepræst og Arbejdsmand.
Dethe to the Persoun
O Sire Curate / that ben here now present
That had / ȝowre worldli Inclynacioun
Ȝowre herte entier / ȝowre study & entent
Moste on ȝowre tithes / & oblacioun
Whiche shulde haue ben / of conuersacioun
Mirroure vn-to other / light & exaumplarie
Like ȝowre deserte / shal be ȝowre guerdoun
And to eche laboure / due is the salarie.
Døden til præsten
The Persun answereth
Mawgre my wille / I moste condescende
For dethe assaileth / eueri lifli thynge
Here yn this worlde / who can comprehende
His sodeyn stroke / & his vnware comynge
Fare-wel tithes / and fare-wel myn offrynge
I mote go Counte / yn ordre by and by
[And for my shepe] / make a Juste rekenynge
Whom he acquyteth / I holde he is happi.
Præsten svarer
Mawgre: Til trods for
lifli: levende
Dethe to the Laborere
Thow laborere / whiche yn sorow & peyne
Haste had thi life / in ful grete trauaile
Thow moste eke daunce / & ther fore not disdeyne
For ȝif thow do / hit mai the not a-vaile
And cause whi / that I the assaile
Is wonli this / from the to disseuere
The fals worlde / that can so folke faile
He is a fole / that weneth to lyve euere.
Døden til Arbejdsmanden
eke: også
The Laborere answereth
I haue wisshed / after dethe ful ofte
Al-be that I wolde / haue fled hym nowe
I had leuere / to haue leyne vnsofte
In wynde & reyne / & haue gon atte plowe
With spade & pikeys / and labored for my prowe
Dolue & diched / & atte Carte goon
For I mai sey / & telle playnli howe
In this worlde / here ther is reste noon.
Arbejdsmanden svarer
I had leuere: Jeg ville hellere
prowe: fordel
Døden fra Lübeck
St. Pauls i London
Sognepræst & arbejdsmand