Læge, Kærlig Adelsmand og Adelskvinde

Læge og bejler
Guy Marchant, Læge og frier

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I denne sammenligning ignorerer vi tegnsætning, accenter, store bogstaver, dobbelte bogstaver, slut-e (og e før slut-s), forskelle, der skyldes orddeliger (f.eks: "toforne" og "to forne"), og forskelle, der skyldes ombytning af aun/an og cion/cyon/tion.

Sletninger er markeret med rødt, og tilføjelser med grønt. Med andre ord stammer de røde fra Ellesmere-manuskriptet.

Døden til lægen

Dethe to the Phisician

Dethe to the Phisician Fisician

Dethe to the Phisician Mors ad Phisisionem

Dethe to the Phisician Death.

Dethe to the Phisician Phisicus
Lansdowne, Vossius

Dethe Death speaketh to the Phisician Phisicien.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658

Dethe Death speaketh to the Phisician Physitian.
Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

Dethe Death speaketh to the Phisician

Maister of phisik / whiche [o]n ȝowre vryne

Maister of phisik/ whiche wiche [o]n ȝowre ȝoure vryne

Maister Mastyr of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre your vryne

Maister of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre vryne Ye, Physisyon, þat lokes for mony so fast.

Maister of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre vryne Ye phisiciens/ for mony that loken so fast

Maister of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre vryne Ye phisiciens/ for many that lokyn so fast

Maister of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre your vryne

Maister MAster of phisik/ whiche [o]n ȝowre vryne your urine,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

So loke and gase / & stare a-ȝenne the sunne

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne aȝein the sunne sonne

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne ayenst the sunne son

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne the sunne Another mans water what ye think ayle,

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne the sunne In othir mennys watris/ what thei eyle

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne In othir mennys wateris/ what the sunne eyle

So loke and gase/ & stare a ȝenne agaynst the sunne
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

For al ȝowre crafte / & studie of medicyne

For al ȝowre ȝoure crafte/ & studie of medicyne
Selden, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

For al ȝowre your crafte/ & studie stody of medicyne

For al ȝowre crafte/ & studie of medicyne Lok one your selffe, or els be thou lost

For al ȝowre crafte/ & studie of medicyne Look weel to your silf/ or att[e] last.

For al ȝowre crafte/ & studie of medicyne Lok well to your self/ or atte the laste

For al ȝowre your crafte/ & studie of medicyne medecine,

Al the practik / & science that ȝe cunne

Al the practik/ & science sience that ȝe cunne konne

Al the practik/ & science that ȝe cunne kon

Al the practik/ & science that ȝe cunne not whan

Al the practik/ & science that ȝe cunne not what your medicynes/ nor crafte may availe

Al the practik/ & science that ȝe cunne wot what your medicynes/ or craft wol availe

[And] Al the practik/ & science that ȝe cunne

Ȝowre lyues cours / so ferforthe ys I-runne

Ȝowre lyues Ȝour lyves cours/ so ferforthe ys I runne Ironne

Ȝowre lyues Your lyff cours/ so ferforthe ys I runne ron

Ȝowre lyues cours/ so ferforthe ys I runne For deth comyng/ sodeynly doth assaile
Lansdowne, Vossius

Ȝowre Your lyues cours/ so ferforthe farre forth ys I runne

Ȝowre lyues Your life cours/ so ferforthe farre forth ys I runne
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Aȝeyne my myght / ȝowre crafte mai not endure

Aȝeyne my myght/ ȝowre ȝoure crafte mai not endure
Selden, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon

Aȝeyne Agayne my myght/ ȝowre your crafte mai not nat endure

Aȝeyne my myght/ ȝowre crafte mai not endure As weel lechis/ as othir that shal ye knowe
Lansdowne, Vossius

Aȝeyne Aye in my myght/ ȝowre your crafte mai not endure
Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

For al the golde / that ȝe ther-bi haue wonne

For al the golde/ that ȝe ther bi haue wonne Atte last Iugement/ withouten any faile
Lansdowne, Vossius

For al the golde/ that ȝe ther bi thereby* haue wonne wunne:

For al the golde/ that ȝe ther bi haue wonne thereby you have wunne
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Good leche is he / that can hym self recure.

Good leche is he/ that can hym self silfe recure.

Good leche is he/ that can hym self recure. hymsylf recouer

Good leche is he/ that can hym self recure. Whan al men shal repe/ as thei have sowe.

Good leche is he/ that can hym self recure. Whan al men shal repe/ as they hau sowe

Good leche is he/ that can hym self can recure.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818


The Phecissian answereth

The Phecissian answereth Fisician answerith

The Phecissian answereth Responsio Phisisionis

The Phecissian answereth Responsum
Lansdowne, Vossius

The Phecissian answereth Phisicien maketh aunswer.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658

The Phecissian answereth Physitian maketh aunswer.
Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

The Phecissian answereth Physician maketh aunswer.

Ful longe a-gon / that I vn-to phesike

Ful longe a gon/ goo/ that I vn to phesike phisik

Ful longe a gon/ that I vn went to phesike physyk

Ful Allas to longe a gon/ that I vn and to phesike myche in phisik
Lansdowne, Vossius

Ful longe a gon/ that I vn to phesike Phisike

Ful longe a gon/ that I vn to phesike unto Phisike,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Sette my witte / and my diligence

Sette For lucre I plye[d]/ al my witte/ and my diligence bisynesse

Sette For lucre I plye/ al my witte/ and my diligence besinesse

Sette my witte/ and eke my diligence
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

In speculatif / & also in practike

In speculatif/ & also in practike practyfe

Bothe In speculatif/ speclacion/ & also in practike

Bothe In speculatif/ speculacion/ & also in practike

To gete a name / thurgh myn excellence

To gete a name/ thurgh þoruȝ myn excellence

To gete a name/ thurgh myn þorough my excellence

To gete a name/ thurgh myn excellence knowe & konne/ al bodely siknesse

To gete a name/ thurgh myn excellence knowe & konne/ al bodyli siknesse

To gete geat a name/ thurgh through myn excellence
Tottel, Dugdale-1658

To gete great a name/ thurgh through myn excellence
Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

To fynde oute / a-ȝens pestilence

To fynde oute/ a ȝens remedy ageynes pestilence

To fynde oute/ a ȝens pestilence But of gostly helthe/ I was reklesse
Lansdowne, Vossius

To fynde oute/ a ȝens agaynes* pestilence

To fynde oute/ a ȝens against pestilence
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Preseruatifes / to staunche hit & to fyne

Preseruatifes/ Preseruatives/ to staunche hit it & to fyne

Preseruatifes/ Preseruatyues to staunche hit & to fyne

Preseruatifes/ to staunche hit & to fyne Wher fore shal helpe nother herbe nor roote

Preseruatifes/ to staunche hit & to fyne Wherfor may help/ nouther erbe nor rote

Preseruatifes/ to staunche hit it & to fyne

Preseruatifes/ Preservatives to staunche hit it & to fyne
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

But I dar saie / shortli in sentence

But I dar saie/ seie/ shortli in sentence
Selden, Trinity

But I dar saie/ shortli in sentence Nor no medicyne/ sauff goddis goodnesse
Lansdowne, Vossius

But I dar saie/ shortli in sentence
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

A-ȝens dethe / is worth no medicyne.

A ȝens That agayne dethe/ is worth no medicyne.

For A ȝens geyns dethe/ is worth fynaly no medicyne. boote.

A ȝens For ageyns dethe/ is worth fynally no medicyne. bothe

A ȝens dethe/ Againes* Death is worth no medicyne.

A ȝens dethe/ Say that against death is worth no medicyne.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

A ȝens dethe/ Say that against death is worth no medicyne. medecine.

Døden til frieren

Dethe to the amerous Squyere

Dethe to the amerous Squyere Mors ad Armigere

Dethe Death speaketh to the amerous Squyere Squyre.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Ȝe that be Jentel / so fresshe & amerous

Ȝe that be Jentel/ gentil/ so fresshe & amerous
Selden, Trinity

Ȝe that be Jentel/ gentle, so fresshe & amerous
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Of ȝeres ȝonge / flowryng in ȝowre grene age

Of ȝeres ȝonge/ flowryng flouringe in ȝowre ȝoure grene age
Selden, Tottel

Of ȝeres ȝonge/ flowryng in ȝowre your grene age

Of ȝeres ȝonge/ flowryng young flouring in ȝowre your grene age
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Lusti fre of herte / and eke desyrous

Lusti fre of herte/ and eke desyrous

Lusti fre of herte/ and eke also desyrous

Lusti [and] fre of herte/ and eke desyrous

Ful of deuyses / and chaunge yn ȝowre corage

Ful of deuyses/ devises/ and chaunge yn ȝowre ȝoure corage

Ful of deuyses/ and chaunge chaunges yn ȝowre your corage

Ful of deuyses/ and chaunge yn ȝowre corage your courage,

Ful of deuyses/ devises and chaunge yn ȝowre corage your courage,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Plesaunt of porte / of loke & [of] visage

Plesaunt Pleasaunt of porte/ of loke & [of] visage
Trinity, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

But al shal turne / in to asshes dede

But al shal turne/ in to asshes dede dead;
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

For al beaute / is but a feynte ymage

For al beaute/ bewte/ is but a feynte ymage

For al beaute/ beautie is but a feynte faynt ymage
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

For al beaute/ beauty is but a feynte ymage

Whiche steleth a-wai / or folkes can take hede.

Whiche steleth Wiche steliþ a wai/ weye/ or folkes can take hede.

Whiche steleth a wai/ awey or folkes folke can take hede.

Whiche steleth stealeth a wai/ or folkes can take hede.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818


The Squyer answereth

The Squyer answereth answeriþ

The Squyer answereth Responsio Armigeri

The Squyer answereth maketh aunswer.

The Squyer answereth Squire maketh aunswer.
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Allas allas / I can now no socoure

Allas allas/ I can now no socoure succour
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

A-ȝeyns dethe / for my selfe prouyde

A ȝeyns Aȝens dethe/ for my selfe prouyde silfe provide

A ȝeyns Ayenst dethe/ for my selfe prouyde

A ȝeyns dethe/ Agaynes* Death[e] for my selfe prouyde

A ȝeyns dethe/ Against death for my selfe prouyde provide,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Adieu of ȝowthe / the lusti fressh floure

Adieu of ȝowthe/ ȝouþe/ the lusti fressh floure

Adieu A dew of ȝowthe/ youþe the lusti fressh floure

Adieu A due of ȝowthe/ youth the lusti fressh floure flower,

Adieu Adue of ȝowthe/ youth the lusti fressh floure flower,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Adieu veynglorie / [of bewte and of pride]

Adieu veynglorie/ [of bewte and of pride] A dew veyneglory syþ I may nat abyde

Adieu veynglorie/ Adue vainglory [of bewte beautie and of pride]

Adieu veynglorie/ Adue vainglory [of bewte beautie, and of pride] the provide,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon

Adieu veynglorie/ Adue vain glory [of bewte beauty, and of pride] the provide,
Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Adieu al seruyse / of the god cupide

Adieu al seruyse/ seruice/ of the god cupide

Adieu al seruyse/ of the A dew my seruyce vnto god cupide

Adieu Adue al seruyse/ seruice of the god cupide

Adieu Adue al seruyse/ service of the god cupide
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Adieu my ladyes / so fresshe so wel be-seyne

Adieu A dew my ladyes/ so fresshe so wel be seyne & welbeseyne

Adieu Adue my ladyes/ so fresshe so wel be seyne beseyn:
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

For a-ȝeyne dethe / no thynge mai abide

For a ȝeyne ayene dethe/ no thynge mai abide

For a ȝeyne dethe/ agayn[s] Death no thynge mai abide

For a ȝeyne dethe/ agayn death no thynge mai abide
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

And wyndes grete / gon doune with litel reyne

And wyndes grete/ gon goo doune with litel litil reyne

And wyndes grete/ great gon doune with litel litle reyne
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Døden til adelsdamen

Dethe to the Gentilwoman amerous

Dethe to the Gentilwoman amerous Mors ad generosam feminam

Dethe Death speaketh to the Gentilwoman amerous Gentlewoman.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Come forthe Maistresse / of ȝeres ȝonge & grene

Come forthe Maistresse/ of ȝeres ȝeris ȝonge & grene

Come forthe Maistresse/ masteras of ȝeres ȝonge & grene

Come forthe Maistresse/ mistress of ȝeres ȝonge & grene
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

Come forthe Maistresse/ mistress of ȝeres ȝonge young & grene

Whiche holde ȝowre self / of beaute souereyne

Whiche Wiche holde ȝowre self/ ȝoure silfe/ of beaute bewte souereyne

Whiche holde ȝowre self/ of holdeþ your lyfe & beaute souereyne

Whiche holde ȝowre your self/ of beaute beautie souereyne

Whiche holde ȝowre your self/ of beaute souereyne beauty sovereign
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

Whiche holde ȝowre self/ yourselfe of beaute souereyne beauty sovereign,

As feire as ȝe / was sum tyme pollicene

As feire faire as ȝe/ was sum tyme somtyme pollicene

As feire fayre as ȝe/ was sum tyme were whylom pollicene

As feire fayre as ȝe/ was sum tyme pollicene whilom Pollixene,
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Penelope / and the quene Eleyne

Penelope/ Penolope/ and the quene Eleyne

Penelope/ Penolope and the quene Eleyne Elene

Penelope/ and the quene Eleyne Helein.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Ȝitte on this daunce / thei wenten bothe tweyne

Ȝitte on this daunce/ thei wenten wente bothe tweyne

Ȝitte Yet on this daunce/ thei wenten bothe tweyne

Ȝitte Yet on this daunce/ thei wenten went[e] bothe tweyne
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

And so shul ȝe / for al ȝowre straungenesse

And so shul ȝe/ for al ȝowre ȝoure straungenesse

And so shul shall ȝe/ for al ȝowre your straungenesse
Trinity, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

Though daunger longe / yn loue hathe lad ȝow reyne

Though daunger longe/ yn loue hathe lad ȝow ȝoure reyne

Though daunger longe/ yn loue hathe lad ȝow haue be your reyne

Though Thogh* daunger longe/ yn loue hathe lad ȝow your reyne

Though If daunger longe/ yn loue love hathe lad ȝow you reyne
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

A-rested is / ȝowre chaunge of dowblenesse.

A rested Arestid is/ ȝowre ȝoure chaunge of dowblenesse. doubilnesse
Selden, Trinity

A rested is/ ȝowre your chaunge of dowblenesse. doublenes.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818


The Jentilwoman answereth

The Jentilwoman answereth gentil womman answerith

The Jentilwoman answereth Responsio generose femine

The Jentilwoman answereth Gentlewoman maketh aunswer.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

O cruel dethe / that sparest noon a-state

O cruel dethe/ that sparest noon a state estate

O cruel dethe/ that sparest sparyst noon a state

O cruel dethe/ Death, that sparest spareth noon a state estate,
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

To olde and ȝonge / thow arte indefferente

To olde and ȝonge/ thow þou arte indefferente indifferent
Selden, Trinity, Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

To olde and ȝonge/ thow young thou arte indefferente indifferent,

To my beaute / thou haste I-seide checke-mate

To my beaute/ bewte/ thou haste I seide checke mate chekmate

To my beaute/ thou haste I seide checke chek mate

To my beaute/ beautie thou haste I seide said checke mate
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

So hasti is / thi mortal Jugemente

So hasti is/ thi mortal Jugemente mortail iudgement.

So hasti is/ thi mortal Jugemente judgement,

So hasti is/ thi mortal Jugemente judgment,
Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

So hasti hesty is/ thi mortal Jugemente judgment,

For yn my ȝowthe / this was myn entente

For yn my ȝowthe/ ȝouþe/ this was myn entente
Selden, Trinity, Tottel

For yn my ȝowthe/ mine youth this was myn my entente
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

For yn my ȝowthe/ youth this was myn my entente

To my seruyce / many a man to a lured

To my seruyce/ many a man to a haue lured

To my seruyce/ many a man to a haue lured
Trinity, Tottel

To my seruyce/ service many a man to a have lured
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

To my seruyce/ service many a man to a have lured

But she is a fole / shortli yn sentemente

But she is a fole/ shortli yn sentemente sentment,
Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1718, Dugdale-1818

That in her beaute / is to moche assured.

That in her beaute/ hir bewte/ is to moche assured. assurid

That in her beaute/ beautie is to moche muche assured.
Tottel, Dugdale-1658, Dugdale-monasticon, Dugdale-1818

That in her beaute/ beauty is to moche so much assured.