Døden fra Lübeck, Gæ­sτebοg

Navn: Joseph Koerner
Land: USA
Dato: 2025-01-30 14:32:38

I learned a lot from your website, and I appreciated having so much important information so carefully and clearly presented. Thank you.

Navn: Theo
Land: Poland
Dato: 2025-01-28 16:55:35

I am a great fan of this site, i really keen on history and evolution of attitude to death.
In middle ages there was one popular dance in Europe named "Marazula". But, unfortunatly, there is no lyrics in the Internet, original, old-latine lyrics, I mean.
Maybe, you have more information about it. Thank you for your work.
Greetings from Poland

Navn: Visitor
Land: Hungary
Dato: 2025-01-24 10:40:19

Very informative site, thank you!

Navn: Melissa
Land: United States
Dato: 2025-01-14 21:57:00

I'm so grateful I was able to learn about Count Zimmern's Vergänglichkeitsbuch (http://www.dodedans.com/Efiguren-zimmern.htm) thanks to you! I love this website. Thank you so much for making it available in English as well!

Navn: Durchlaucht
Land: Deutschland
Dato: 2025-01-01 16:11:00

Absolutely stellar work! This is the most extensive collection on the Danse Macabre in all its forms.

Navn: Alex from Spooky Traveler
Land: Netherlands
Dato: 2024-10-02 15:55:43

Hi Martin, I travel to haunted places around the world and found your website while researching the Cemetery of the Innocents in Paris. Thank you for all of your information, it is helpful and informative. Cheers!

Navn: Mads
Land: Ireland
Dato: 2023-08-25 13:58:06

Hiya Martin. I just want to say your website has been the biggest help. I am currently finishing up my dissertaion for my masters in medieval studies and I'm writing it on the medieval culture of death and dying in relation to the plague. For my dissertation I analyze paintings and poems as case studies and your site has offered invaluable help for the Lübeck Dance of Death. I just wanted to sy that I owe my dissertation to you, thank you so much.

Navn: Guido
Dato: 2023-06-21 08:17:17

Hi Martin,
I’ve had this website bookmarked for ages to visit every now and then. It had been a few years since my last one, and all I can say is how glad I am Death hasn’t caught with it yet!
Thanks for your effort in cataloguing and keeping up all of this information, this site is a treasure.

Navn: Thy Grief
Dato: 2023-06-09 16:24:41


I am Thy Grief, a linocut artist. Recently I've finished my own series of copies / re-interpretations of Hans Holbein's dance of death, all carved on lino and printed by hand. Since your website is about different dances of death, including Holbein's, and you post various editions of it, maybe you would be interested to take a look at my edition?

Thy Grief

That it no less than amazing. I went to your instagram profile, and I can see that not only have you copied the motives meticulously, but you have also copied each and every line.

Normally, a copier wouldn't care about the exact number of lines in a shading, so I wonder if you have used some kind of photocopying to transfer the image before cutting? How large are your plates?

Navn: pigeon
Land: AUS
Dato: 2023-05-22 10:51:46

ohmygosh thankyou so much for this site !! im a student, currently studying art motifs and allegories - the dance macabre, and this is really helpful, thankyou so much (T^T) such an interesting subject, humanity is so complex and art is such a beautiful way of expressing it. thankyou for compiling all of this, this insight will stick around in my head for along time to come i think.

Navn: Asya
Land: Israel
Dato: 2023-04-13 07:01:42

Thank you so much for this site! I am a student, and your amazing site is so helpful in my studies, it is very informative and made so well! Lots of thanks to you and best wishes!

Navn: Diego Loukota
Land: United States - California
Dato: 2022-12-21 16:56:20

Dear Martin (if I may),

I have long been a fan of dodedans.com, but I had not signed your guestbook, so let this be the occasion to congratulate you on your astonishing repository. I am in Paris and just visited the Musée Carnavalet, where I had the chance to take a closeup photo of the representation of the dance of death in Jacob Grimer's painting of the cimitière des innocents. My closeup is better than the image made available by the museum. You can see there clearly—or as much as the tiny scale allows—four of the living dancers and five of the dead:
The Carnavalet has a whole small room devoted to the cimitière des innocents, and I took many other interesting closeups of the painting as well as of the representations of the exhumation and demolition of the complex. If you are interested please contact me at diegoloukota@g.ucla.edu.

With my best wishes,

Diego Loukota

Dear Diego

That is indeed a great photo. The image offered by the museum is good (3.030 × 3.679 if you press "Télécharger"), but your image is more detailed and much, much clearer. I wonder if the painting has been restored in the mean time?

I am always interested (sometimes even obsessively) in images of the St. Innocents, so I would certainly be interested in seeing your other photos.

Navn: Loren
Land: United States
Dato: 2022-12-05 06:11:22

Hey, thank you so much for putting this together! I used some of the info here in a school report and cited you in it. excited to read through the rest!

Navn: Adam Wagner
Land: Danmark
Dato: 2022-11-10 15:01:52

Tak for at have lagt dette ud. Det er en meget fin og gennemarbejdet side, som jeg (blandt andre kilder) gjorde brug af, da jeg selv skulle lave denne lille dokumentarfilm om Dødedansen i Nørre Alslev kirke:

Navn: Nick
Land: USA
Dato: 2021-09-11 02:25:08

Incredible site, a diamond from the sky.

Having a ball absorbing all this carefully-preserved knowledge and stunning art.

Thanks for putting this together Martin. What a joy.

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